Thursday, 25 November 2010


Vintage and robotic? Two birds, one stone.

First project on MBM (we're into acronym territory already), will be the conversion of a beautiful vintage Tandy Armatron, with an Arduino Uno and perhaps a few new servos.

My intention is to leave as much of the robot intact, and to focus mostly on rewiring the control-side and striping it down to clean it. I'll be posting a video going into more detail, but suffice to say, it's fantastically engineered and manufactured, so would be a great shame to carve up.

Our second project, close on the heels of the Armatron, will be environmental... In brief, we'll be building an automated heat transfer system for our data centre, that'll help us run without active air cooling through winter, by making use of the cold weather and some active/passive air handling. That'll be PLC based; perhaps with an Arduino if we're confident with it's redundancy, or with a Siemens Logo PLC.

Video and pictures of the Armatron coming soon.

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