Thursday 14 November 2013

I'm still here!

In the effort to break my 6-monthly posting, I'm going to start documenting my projects a little better and get some posted.

I'm planning some mini-projects, redux of old projects and finishing some big projects...

With access to 3D printers at work (, I've been able to accelerate lots of projects and get things designed and built within a matter of hours. So, lots of mini-projects already done and dusted - plus many more to come.

A few projects have taken a back-burner; mostly the RC projects as the weather is a turn-off for anything outdoors. I'll probably get into them around spring-time, in time for a summer completion. A real nuisance with the weather is delays for quite a few model kit conversions I'm working on, as I have nowhere dry to spray paint. Falling short of building a spray area indoors, I'm having to wait for low winds and dry weather to get primer and base coats done. I've built quite a few models as far as is possible without painting, so stuck there.

Model Making
- 28mm Model Building/Painting
- 4mm Plastic & Card Models (1/76th aka OO) plus lots of on-track plant models
- 4mm Layout (1/76th aka OO)

- Train Control System (LCB)
- Train Control Panel (DCC/Traction)

- RC Platform (aka UAV/Rover)
- RC Hovercraft Rebuild
- RC Boat Rebuild (set back due to rebuild/painting of hull)

Mini Projects
- 4mm Faller Car System Conversions (3D printing chassis and steering to adapt 4mm models for self-driving)
- 3D Printed Servo Mounts (90% complete, just some mechanical tweaks)

I promise my next post will be within a week and will be a project report, complete with pictures!

PS in my defence, I've drafted lots of posts, but for one reason or another never publish them - normally lack of pictures or wanting to make more progress. Dumb, I know.

1 comment:

  1. Nice article! Thanks for sharing such wonderful post , appreciate your initiative for project definitely you did a right thing by selecting documentation , I am a student and doing my online training bi classes in pune, Keep posting.
